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Home The star of Burri shines at the Guggenheim Museum Alberto Burri. OOpening Exhibition. Bruno Cora, Francesca Lavazza, Emily Braun & Richard Armstrong

Alberto Burri. OOpening Exhibition. Bruno Cora, Francesca Lavazza, Emily Braun & Richard Armstrong

Alberto Burri. Red plastic, 1963. Acrylic and burned plastic on canvas, cm. 102 x 90. © Palazzo Albizzini Foundation, Burri Collection, Città di Castello, Italy

Alberto Burri. Opening Exhibition. Bruno Cora, Francesca Lavazza, Emily Braun & Richard Armstrong

Alberto Burri. Francesca Lavazza. Corporate Image Director of Lavazza with the Director of the Guggenheim Richard Armstrong
Alberto Burri. Iron SP, 1961. Welded iron sheet metal, oil, and tacks on wood framework, cm.130 x 200. National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome  © Palazzo Albizzini Foundation, Burri Collection, Città di Castello, Italy © 2015  Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/SIAE, Rome Photo: Antonio Idini