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Home The star of Burri shines at the Guggenheim Museum Alberto Burri. Large White Crack, 1974. Acrylic and PVA on Cellotex, cm.126 x 201. Private collection

Alberto Burri. Large White Crack, 1974. Acrylic and PVA on Cellotex, cm.126 x 201. Private collection

Alberto Burri. Red plastic, 1963. Acrylic and burned plastic on canvas, cm. 102 x 90. © Palazzo Albizzini Foundation, Burri Collection, Città di Castello, Italy

Alberto Burri. Large White Crack, 1974. Acrylic and PVA on Cellotex, cm.126 x 201. Private collection

Alberto Burri. Large Black Crack, 1977.  Acrylic and PVA on Cellotex, cm. 149.5 x 249.5.  Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée national d’art  moderne. Gift of the artist, 1978 © Palazzo Albizzini Foundation , Burri Collection, Città di Castello, Italy /2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/SIAE, Rome Photo: © CNAC/MNAM/Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, New York
Alberto Burri, 1978