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Home Chagall lights still shining Marc Chagall. Sarah and Abimelech. Color lithograph, 1960, cm. 35,5 x 26,3. Bequest of Noah Chodos, New York, to American Friends of the Israel Museum

Marc Chagall. Sarah and Abimelech. Color lithograph, 1960, cm. 35,5 x 26,3. Bequest of Noah Chodos, New York, to American Friends of the Israel Museum

Marc Chagall. Loving couple and flowers, 1949. Lithograph in colors, (detail)

Marc Chagall. Sarah and Abimelech. Color lithograph, 1960, cm. 35,5 x 26,3. Bequest of Noah Chodos, New York, to American Friends of the Israel Museum

Marc Chagall. Untitled (Praying Jew), india ink and wash on paper, cm. 439 x 327. Credits: Gift of the artist, © Chagall ® by SIAE 2015
Marc Chagall. Shabbat, from the book “Burning Lights”. Indian ink and gouache on paper, cm. 22,2 x 14,5. Credits: Gift of Ida Chagall, Chagall Paris © ® by SIAE 2015