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Home Chagall lights still shining Marc Chagall. The Lovers, 1954-55. India ink, wash, and watercolor, cm. 53 x 47 Gift of Jan Mitchell, New York. Through the America-Israel Cultural Foundation

Marc Chagall. The Lovers, 1954-55. India ink, wash, and watercolor, cm. 53 x 47 Gift of Jan Mitchell, New York. Through the America-Israel Cultural Foundation

Marc Chagall. Loving couple and flowers, 1949. Lithograph in colors, (detail)

Marc Chagall. The Lovers, 1954-55. India ink, wash, and watercolor, cm. 53 x 47 Gift of Jan Mitchell, New York. Through the America-Israel Cultural Foundation

Marc Chagall. Shabbat, from the book “Burning Lights”. Indian ink and gouache on paper, cm. 22,2 x 14,5. Credits: Gift of Ida Chagall, Chagall Paris © ® by SIAE 2015
The walk, 1919. Gouache, watercolor and graphite on paper, cm. 32 × 23. Credits: The Israel Museum, Jerusalem Chagall © ® by SIAE 2015