Salone delle Scuderie – Pilotta Palace- Parma
From Dec 21 2014 to Mar 29 2015
What remains today in art’s memory about the great Umbrian artist? What remains alive? This is an Hamletic doubt. The genius of Burri immortalated in a series of photoraphs by Aurelio Amendola during the creation and crafting of one of his “Cellotex”. Strongly and trembling Burri comes to the fore in this special event of contemporary art.
The idea was to ask to sculptors, painters, photographers a work linked to Burri’s art research, a tribute to the artist, and art re interpreted by the view of artists like Bruno and Nunzio Ceccobelli, Mimmo Paladino, Luca Pignatelli, Marcello Jori, Alberto Ghinzani, Pino Pinelli and more over Giuseppe Maraniello, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Emilio Isgrò, Attilio Forgioli, Mario Raciti, Medhat Shafik, Franco Guerzoni, Luiso Sturla, Renato Boero, Raimondo Sirotti, Davide Benati, Concetto Pozzati, Enzo Esposito, Gianluigi Colin, William Xerra, Tavernari, Louise Nevelson, Antoni Tàpies, Brigitte Niedermair, Domenico Spinosa, Nino Migliore, Mimmo Jodice.

The photographs by Aurelio Amendola inspired the title of the exhibition. On display also photographs by Nino Migliori, Mimmo Jodice, Giovanni Chiaramonte, Mario Cresci , the conceptual by Brigritte Niedermair and the abstract by Gianni Pezzani.
These are the artist’s names that celebrate the centenary of the birth of Alberto Burri (1915- 1995), who get inspired by his influence and language, before and after his death.
The exhibition is by Arturo Carlo Quintavalle and presents the study of material and structure flow, key points of the extraordinary artistic experience by Burri, displayed in two different and intriguing parallel researches.
The event celebrates Burri with 172 works of paintings, photographs and graphic works of the various artists.
It’s all a setting free all over his universe: Cellotex with a strong industrial vein, Neri with a growing and diverging shades, Crett like cracked spider webs, Muffe with the intensity of the tint created by the moist spots, Combustioni flamed or charred, Sacchi lacerated and patched, Ferri with nubby welding, Legni and …fire.. infinite flame. This is the Alberto Burri‘s world , a gifted artist devoted to the research of the fascinating concept of form and its intrinsic transformation into substance.
The exhibition “ Black fire: material and structure concerned and after Burri” presents the cultural and creative panorama in with operated Burri: from The Origin Group (1950-1951) with Colla, Ballocco, Guerrini, to Group 1 with Biggi; from Rome with Gastone Novelli and Toti Scialoja and their dialogues with Cy Twombly and the American Abstract Expressionism, to Milan with Lucio Fontana, abroad in the USA with Louise Nevelson and Nancy Martin.
Catalog published by Skira.
Hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00am to 6.00pm. Closed on Monday.
Free entrance
Contacs: +39 0521 033652