Fruttiere of Te Palace, Mantua
From 26 November 2014 to 6 April 2015
[box type=”shadow” ]” The only thing that matter to me, to use a trendy expression, is permanent revolution: nothing should remain stuck in one point, it should always goes round. A total review. Every day I questioning my work” said the artist in Conversaciones with Georges Raillard.[/box]
“Which orientation my painting will take? Just simpler”. explained the artist “The most obvious thing can turn into something wonderful”, words by Joan Mirò (1893 – 1983) answering to an interview. At the age of 80, he seems like a child, always ready to be caught by “the shock that separates from reality”, expressed in his works by the revolutionary and experimentation sign of his poetic and gestural universe.

Extraordinary oils on canvas, graphics, vivid tapestries, terracotta, bronzes, sketches and drawings, tools and so on, are all displayed in five areas in which the exhibition is divided. The path takes the visitor inside Joan Miró’s creative process through the various techniques, media and materials used by, the “the most surrealist artist of all”, as André Breton said.
The exhibition displays 53 works, like the huge “Untitled” (1974), “Character and Bird” (1976), the tapestry ”Lizard with the Golden Feathers ”, the sculpture “The bird makes its nest in the fingers in flower” (1969) and “Project for a Monument” (1972). Thirty ‘years of artistic production (from 1966 to 1989) of one of the most influential painters of European avant-garde.
The exhibition, organized by Comune di Mantua, is realized by 24 Ore Cultura in collaboration with Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró of Palma di Maiorca and developed by Elvira Cámara López, Foundation Director. The event “Joan Miró, the creative impulse” presents big works and recreations of the Mirò’s ateliers, Sert Studio and Son Boter, locations in which the artist shaped his masterpieces, full of his tools and brushes, preserved by Fundació Pilari i Joan Mirò. An original angle that easily get visitors more involved in the artist passionate impulse, in the Catalan artist inner energy.

© Sucesione Miró by SIAE 2014 Foto: © Joan Ramon Bonet & David Bonet
He was deeply influenced by American Abstract Expressionism and Jackson Pollock: dripping of canvas and handprints, zigzag lines, penetrating black segments and, after a deep and tormented reflection, Mirò lends to a chromatic dissipation and the successful will to represent the entire cosmos with a sign, line or point.
The five thematic areas are: gesture, black expression intensity, the bottom as a creative starting point, eloquence of simplicity and the material experimentation. The event celebrates not only Mirò’s geniality but also presents an exploration to the poetic intimacy of the great Catalan master.
Info line 0376 288208
(open 7 days a week from 9.00 to 18.00)
€ 12.00 Full price
€ 10.00 Reduced
€ 6.00 Special reduced
Reductions on presentation of cards are only available on site