Home Chagall lights still shining Marc Chagall. Over Vitebsk, 1914. Gouache, graphite and colored pencil on cardboard, cm. 51.5 x 64.3. Legacy Anna Salzmann, Paris, to the State of Israel

Marc Chagall. Over Vitebsk, 1914. Gouache, graphite and colored pencil on cardboard, cm. 51.5 x 64.3. Legacy Anna Salzmann, Paris, to the State of Israel

Marc Chagall. Loving couple and flowers, 1949. Lithograph in colors, (detail)

Marc Chagall. Over Vitebsk, 1914. Gouache, graphite and colored pencil on cardboard, cm. 51.5 x 64.3. Legacy Anna Salzmann, Paris, to the State of Israel

Marc Chagall. Loving couple and flowers, 1949. Lithograph in colors, (detail)
Marc Chagall. Accordion, ca. 1912-14. Gouache, watercolor, and crayon on paper, cm. 66,5 x 52,2. Bequest of  Simon and Tekla Bond, New York, all’American Friends of The Israel Museum © Chagall ® by SIAE 2015