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Home Eugène Delacroix and the Rise of Modern Art Odilon Redon. Ophelia among the Flowers, about 1905-10. Pastel on paper, cm. 64 x 91. © The National Gallery, London, Bought with a contribution from The Art Fund

Odilon Redon. Ophelia among the Flowers, about 1905-10. Pastel on paper, cm. 64 x 91. © The National Gallery, London, Bought with a contribution from The Art Fund

Edouard Manet. Music in the Tuileries Gardens, 1862. Oil on canvas, cm. 76.2 x 118.1. The National Gallery, London, Sir Hugh Lane Bequest, 1917 © The National Gallery, London. Eugène Delacroix

Odilon Redon. Ophelia among the Flowers, about 1905-10. Pastel on paper, cm. 64 x 91. © The National Gallery, London, Bought with a contribution from The Art Fund

Wassily Kandinsky. Study for Improvisation V, 1910. Minneapolis Institute of Art. Gift of Bruce B. Dayton
Paul Cézanne. Apotheosis of Delacroix, 1890-94. Oil on canvas, cm. 27 x 35. © RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski