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Home The colorful petals flying into The Oasis of Matisse Henri Matisse, Blue Nude with Green Stockings, 1952. Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, cm. 258 x 167, © c / o Pictoright Amsterdam, 2014

Henri Matisse, Blue Nude with Green Stockings, 1952. Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, cm. 258 x 167, © c / o Pictoright Amsterdam, 2014

Henri Matisse - Donna che legge, 1894. Olio su tavola, cm. 61,5 X 48. Centre Georges Pompidou, Parigi

Henri Matisse, Blue Nude with Green Stockings, 1952. Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, cm. 258 x 167, © c / o Pictoright Amsterdam, 2014

Henri Matisse, Study for Blue Nude, c. 1952. Pencil on paper, cm. 27 x 21. Private collection. © Succession H. Matisse, c/o Pictoright Amsterdam, 2014
Henri Matisse, The parrot and the siren, 1952 – 1953. Gouache, collage on paper on canvas , cm. 337 X 768,5. Stedelijk Museum collection, Amsterdam