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Home Eugène Delacroix and the Rise of Modern Art Paul Cézanne. The battle of love, 1880 ca. Oil on canvas. Gift W. Averell Harriman Foundation in memory of Marie N. Harriman

Paul Cézanne. The battle of love, 1880 ca. Oil on canvas. Gift W. Averell Harriman Foundation in memory of Marie N. Harriman

Edouard Manet. Music in the Tuileries Gardens, 1862. Oil on canvas, cm. 76.2 x 118.1. The National Gallery, London, Sir Hugh Lane Bequest, 1917 © The National Gallery, London. Eugène Delacroix

Paul Cézanne. The battle of love, 1880 ca. Oil on canvas. Gift W. Averell Harriman Foundation in memory of Marie N. Harriman

Paul Cézanne. Apotheosis of Delacroix, 1890-94. Oil on canvas, cm. 27 x 35. © RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski
PPaul Cézanne. The Eternal Feminine, 1877 ca. Oil on canvas, cm.43 × 53. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles